Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Li Ting Hei Garvey

Cinemoi Lock Down Update
I have recieve the feed back from the client, and I have encounter a few problems.
Although the feed back from the client has got nothing to do with our uni marks, I suggest aimming to satisfy our client and to reach their requirement are what an professional animator should really do.(I am not professonal yet but I will be after I graduate and get my degree)

So Here I am, from the client's feed back the problems are:
Problem 1
"It's not 'a friend that' but 'a friends who'"

So What I have to do is just quickly change the text
Problem 2
"We need to replace the clip from Orson Wells"

I am not so sure why the client want me to change it, maybe it has got so copy right problem, or maybe be she just hates him, but anyway I gotta change that.
So what I did is go to the youtube and find some more video which may be useful

I have found some videos I like then what I have to do is to replace it and adjust the size a bit, I really like the girl in the replace video clip.

Problem 3
Orson wells himself next to the graphic 'and you'll both get" need to be replace

Now I have remove Orson Well and replace him with a new clip.

Problem 4
"Remove the purple dot on Cinemoi at the end and keep yellow as per our brand dynamics"
It was a critical failure, definetely need to change that
Now I just gotta replace the porple dot with a yellow dot.

Is all done
Finish product GarveyLi Cinemoi2

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